Our Catholic Faith

Most Holy Trinity - Crucifix

The following resources are provided for all those wishing to learn more about our Catholic Faith:

Catholic Teaching & Beliefs (EWTN) 

EWTN presents the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church in an easy-to-use format.   Topics  are structured hierarchically, ranging from simple definitions through to those teachings that are more detailed and involved.   

We encourage you to begin with the basics to become well grounded in Church teaching on a variety of subjects.   As your understanding of a particular topic grows, move on to the in-depth study of each topic to round out your learning.

Topics covered include:

  • God and His Creation
  • Jesus Christ
  • The Holy Spirit
  • Mary, the Mother of God
  • The Catholic Church
  • The Papacy
  • The Holy Eucharist
  • The Last Things

Catechism of the Catholic Church

The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a catechism promulgated for the Catholic Church by Pope John Paul II in 1992.   It aims to summarise, in book form, what the Catholic Church as a whole believes, celebrates, lives, and prays.   Over eight million copies of the book have been sold and it has been translated into and published in more than twenty languages worldwide.

Baltimore Catechism

The Baltimore Catechism, republished in 1941, was the official book of Catholic teaching and instruction for children in the United States.  It comprises structured lessons about God, the sacraments, and Jesus in a Question and Answer format.   An all-encompassing summary of the Catholic faith, The Baltimore Catechism explains what the principles and beliefs of Catholicism are.