Newsletters:  2024-25 - Cycle C

Most Holy Trinity - Fleche

The parish newsletter is typically published weekly both via this website and by email to those on the parish email distribution list.   A small number of paper copies are also available in the church at weekend Masses.

If you would like to be added to the email distribution list please contact us.

 23 November


 Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King

 16 November


 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

 9 November


 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

 2 November


 All Saints




 26 October


 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 19 October


 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 12 October


 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 5 October


 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time




 28 September


 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 21 September


 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 14 September


 Exaltation of the Holy Cross

 7 September


 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time




 31 August


 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

 24 August


 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

 17 August


 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 10 August


 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 3 August


 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time




 27 July


 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 20 July


 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 13 July


 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 6 July


 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time




 29 June


 Ss Peter & Paul

 22 June


 Corpus Christi

 15 June


 Most Holy Trinity

 8 June



 1 June


 7th Sunday of Easter




 25 May


 6th Sunday of Easter

 18 May


 5th Sunday of Easter

 11 May


 4th Sunday of Easter

 4 May


 3rd Sunday of Easter




 27 April


 2nd Sunday of Easter

 20 April


 Easter Sunday

 13 April


 Palm Sunday

 6 April


 5th Sunday in Lent




 30 March


 4th Sunday in Lent

 23 March


 3rd Sunday in Lent

 16 March


 2nd Sunday in Lent

 9 March


 1st Sunday in Lent

 2 March


 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time



 23 February


 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 16 February


 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 9 February


 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 2 February


 Presentation of the Lord




 26 January


 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

 19 January


 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

12 January


 The Baptism of the Lord

 5 January


 The Epiphany of the Lord




 29 December


 The Holy Family

 22 December


 4th Sunday of Advent & Christmas

 15 December


 3rd Sunday of Advent

 8 December


 2nd Sunday of Advent

 1 December


 1st Sunday of Advent




Older Newsletters


