Parish Contacts

Most Holy Trinity - Front2

Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church
New Street

T:   01531 - 635354
E:   email (Parish Priest)

Parish Priest

Contact:  Fr Adrian Wiltshire  |  01531 - 635354  |  email 


Contact:  Christopher Mullane  |  029 - 2036 5961  |  email

Pending appointment of a local parish Safeguarding Coordinator the contact details given above are for the Archdiocesan Safeguarding office.   The Archdiocesan safeguarding processes and procedures together with the Archdiocesan safeguarding contacts can be found on the Archdiocese of Cardiff website.

Emergency Contacts

Should the parish priest for any reason be unavailable the following parishioners have offered to help in respect of general matters:

  • Maureen Cooper  |  01531 - 634332
  • Anne Cook  |  07594 - 474897
  • Diana Pearce  |  01432 - 273941

Health & Safety

Contact:  Awaiting details

Parish Hall Bookings

Contact:  Una Morgan  |  01531 - 631 347  |  email

The large parish hall, located behind the church, provides an excellent venue for parish and other social occasions and meetings.  The kitchen was completely refurbished in May 2022.

Website & Social media

Contacts:  Pippa Wright  |  email  &  Alastair Tocher  |  email

The parish has two social media presences:  this website and also a Facebook page.